Warm Season Grasses
Round 1
The pre-emergence program will control numerous annual grassy weeds. It also prevents the encroachment of many broadleaf weeds. The broadleaf weed control is added to control young and late-winter weeds. Expect weed control to be slower acting during colder weather.
The pre-emergence program will control numerous annual grassy weeds. It also prevents the encroachment of many broadleaf weeds. The broadleaf weed control is added to control young and late-winter weeds. Expect weed control to be slower acting during colder weather.
Round 2
Pre-emergence will be applied to extend crabgrass and broadleaf weed control into the summer. Broadleaf weed control is added to control young and late-winter weeds. Expect weed control to be slower acting during colder weather.
Pre-emergence will be applied to extend crabgrass and broadleaf weed control into the summer. Broadleaf weed control is added to control young and late-winter weeds. Expect weed control to be slower acting during colder weather.
Round 3
The fertilizer application will consist of a slow release, which is designed to provide excellent color to the turf grass. At this time we will spot treat broadleaf and grassy weeds where needed. If you receive Insect control this will also start at this time.***Now is time to schedule your Aeration to improve root growth, loosen compacted soil and provide adequate water run off.This allows fertilizer, air and water to reach the root zone. Anytime once your turf is fully active till late August is a great time to Aerate your lawn!
The fertilizer application will consist of a slow release, which is designed to provide excellent color to the turf grass. At this time we will spot treat broadleaf and grassy weeds where needed. If you receive Insect control this will also start at this time.***Now is time to schedule your Aeration to improve root growth, loosen compacted soil and provide adequate water run off.This allows fertilizer, air and water to reach the root zone. Anytime once your turf is fully active till late August is a great time to Aerate your lawn!
Round 4
This fertilizer application is designed to supply the lawn with the necessary nutrients for the mid-summer droughts. Broadleaf weeds are spot treated.
This fertilizer application is designed to supply the lawn with the necessary nutrients for the mid-summer droughts. Broadleaf weeds are spot treated.
Round 5
This fertilizer application is designed to supply the lawn with the necessary nutrients for the late-summer droughts. Broadleaf weeds are spot treated.
This fertilizer application is designed to supply the lawn with the necessary nutrients for the late-summer droughts. Broadleaf weeds are spot treated.
Round 6
Liquid pre and post-emergence will control early to mid Fall annual grasses with a root zone fertilizer to keep turf healthy while it begins to go dormant.
Liquid pre and post-emergence will control early to mid Fall annual grasses with a root zone fertilizer to keep turf healthy while it begins to go dormant.
Round 7
Pre-emergence is applied to control broadleaf weeds during Fall and Winter.
Pre-emergence is applied to control broadleaf weeds during Fall and Winter.
Round 8
Pre-Emergence is applied agin due to the extreme wet seasons we have been having. All grassy and broadleaf weeds are sprayed at this time.* For a Lime application we fill its best to schedule a soil sample to see exactly how much Lime your lawn needs. Lime balances the soils PH.
Pre-Emergence is applied agin due to the extreme wet seasons we have been having. All grassy and broadleaf weeds are sprayed at this time.* For a Lime application we fill its best to schedule a soil sample to see exactly how much Lime your lawn needs. Lime balances the soils PH.
Cool Season
Round 1
The pre-emergence program will control numerous annual grasses. It also prevents the engagement of many broadleaf weeds. The broadleaf weed control is added to control young and late-winter weeds. Expect weed control to be slower acting during cold weather.
The pre-emergence program will control numerous annual grasses. It also prevents the engagement of many broadleaf weeds. The broadleaf weed control is added to control young and late-winter weeds. Expect weed control to be slower acting during cold weather.
Round 2
Fertilizer application will help maintain the lawn’s green color while keeping the top growth to a minimum. Also, the application will prepare the lawn for the summer months. A pre and post emergent is added to help prevent grassy weeds while helping control broadleaf weeds.
Fertilizer application will help maintain the lawn’s green color while keeping the top growth to a minimum. Also, the application will prepare the lawn for the summer months. A pre and post emergent is added to help prevent grassy weeds while helping control broadleaf weeds.
Round 3
A soil amendment is applied that contains humic/fulvic Acid and soil biology this is a organic product that will help the stress of your lawn during the heat of the summer months.*The summer can sometimes bring stresses to fescue which can be confusing. Drought symptoms can be mistaken for disease or insect damage. One of the most difficult diseases to control is Brown Patch. If you notice brown patch give us a call. Watering early in the morning before day break will help control Brown Patch.
A soil amendment is applied that contains humic/fulvic Acid and soil biology this is a organic product that will help the stress of your lawn during the heat of the summer months.*The summer can sometimes bring stresses to fescue which can be confusing. Drought symptoms can be mistaken for disease or insect damage. One of the most difficult diseases to control is Brown Patch. If you notice brown patch give us a call. Watering early in the morning before day break will help control Brown Patch.
Round 4
Lime application to promote overall health. We will treat for grassy and broadleaf weeds as needed.
Lime application to promote overall health. We will treat for grassy and broadleaf weeds as needed.
Round 5
Micronutrients fertilizer is applied to help keep fescue strong during the hot summer months and to prepare soil for over seeding. * Now is time to schedule your aeration and over seeding.
Micronutrients fertilizer is applied to help keep fescue strong during the hot summer months and to prepare soil for over seeding. * Now is time to schedule your aeration and over seeding.
Round 6
The fertilizer is designed to help turf grass recover from summer stress. Aeration needs to be conducted at this time to improve root growth, loosen compacted soil and provide adequate run off. This allows lime, fertilizer, seeds and water to reach the root zone. Weed control will not be added.
The fertilizer is designed to help turf grass recover from summer stress. Aeration needs to be conducted at this time to improve root growth, loosen compacted soil and provide adequate run off. This allows lime, fertilizer, seeds and water to reach the root zone. Weed control will not be added.
Round 7/8
Root zone fertilizer and high rate of Nitrogen to provide the correct amount of nutrients needed for your lawn over the winter months.Weed control will not be added.
Root zone fertilizer and high rate of Nitrogen to provide the correct amount of nutrients needed for your lawn over the winter months.Weed control will not be added.