If you’ve lived in Georgia for a little while now, chances are you know how to identify poison ivy. However, we’re constantly reminded that many people do not know how to identify the itchy plant here at Legacy Lawn Care in Winder, GA. To help combat this, we compiled a guide to help you identify poison ivy in and around your property!
Three Leaves
Look for a vine with groups of three leaves! The most distinguishing feature of poison ivy is that it always has clusters of three leaves. There are not many other obvious distinctions otherwise.
Know The Look
Poison Ivy has a cluster of three leaves connected closely at the end of a long stem. The tip of each leaf should be pointed. Almost always, the middle leaf has a stem while the two side leaves do not have stems and grow from the vine. Also, poison ivy vines typically look like a tattered rope.
Not Green? Still Dangerous!
Poison Ivy changes colors just like other leaves. Even when it changes from green to red, it is still unsafe due to the urushiol oil remaining.
Animal-Safe Doesn’t Mean Human-Safe
If you’re questioning whether a plant may be poison ivy and think, “the animals are eating it, it must be fine.” That is NOT a safe assumption. Grazing creatures will gladly eat poison ivy.
If you have any other additional questions or concerns, take a look at PoisonIvy.org! If you think that you have poison ivy on your property and would like it removed, make sure to contact Legacy Lawn Care at 678-425-2298 and get that pesky plant removed off of your property.